What is Iaido? The most common explanation is "it is the art of drawing the sword". The purpose of Iaido is a self-development art. The focus is on mental presence, ability to react to a challenge, and maintaining a calm, ready state. Iaido uses a standardized set of response-and-counterattack drills called Kata in an individual practice. Iaido is practised without a direct partner or opponent, with the target being an invisible adversary, provided by the imagination of the Iaidoka. Our practice times are:
The head instructor is Steve Munro, who holds the rank of 3rd Dan in Iaido with the Canadian Kendo Federation. The Edmonton Iaido club is partnered with Edmonton's Kita Kaze Budo Association, and Calgary's Iaido club, Ka Muso Kai. | Interview with Steve Munro: link |
居合道とは? 最も一般的な定義は”刀を使う武術”です。居合道は精神鍛錬の武術です。己の心を制する訓練を重ねることによって何事があっても動じずに機敏に対応できるように特訓します。居合道の個人訓練としては標準化された形というものがあります。形は敵を想定して各種の技を決まった順番で演舞するもので実際には対戦しません。 活動時間: ・日曜日の夕方7時から九時まで(休日や祝日を除く) |