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Frequently Asked Questions

please click on the question headers, (or in click "read more") to see the full answer/text.

Don't hesitate to contact us for any other questions you may have.

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  • 16 May 2024 11:12 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    NOTE: as of May 16th, 2024, we are no longer using PayPal as our Payment Processor for this website/system; so you can ignore the below.
    Please simply use a valid credit/debit card for your checkout/payment process, which now is not handled through PayPal (but in a more integrated and cost effective way for EJCA). 

    Our website does indeed depend on PayPal as our payments provider.
    But you do not need to use nor create a PayPal account to pay for your event registration/membership/donation/shopping.

    Indeed, you can easily pay by just providing your credit card or Visa debit card details without having (or signing up for) a PayPal account.

    Here is an example how this process works end-to-end, illustrating the choices you will have:

    1. Situation: You have just hit the "Pay Online" button and get ready to pay for some service:
    2. This will lead you to a PayPal screen (remember: PayPal is our safe online payments provider) which should look similar to this:

    3. If you do not have / nor want a PayPal account, you will ignore the login section (marked below as option (1), i.e. the section before the "or")
      and instead
      go for option 2 - "Pay with a credit or Visa debit card"
    4. This will get to to a page where you just input the data necessary to process your one time payment:
    5. Enter your data and card information and where being asked if you want to "create a PayPal account?",
      just say "No, thanks":

      In newer versions of the PayPal checkout this may instead be achieved by toggling the "save info" option to 'grey' and continue as guest.

    6. This allows you to complete the payment process
    7. As a result you will see a "payment successful" confirmation on screen, get a Payment receipt from EJCA, and should see the equivalent payment item on your regular credit/debit card statement

    To summarize: PayPal is our payments processor and provides the means for safe transmission of your payment details for us, but in this way you will just use your card detail for a one time payment without signing up for a PayPal account.


  • 17 Oct 2021 7:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You may have been in the situation to sign up more than one person to a specific event and found it a bit confusing how to do it.

    This is a perfect opportunity for a small reminder on some aspects of our membership system regarding the role of the various email provided as part of the membership profile and/or for event signups:

    • Your membership (Single, Family, Senior Couple etc.) will have exactly ONE email address that is also the “Email” you choose to login to that membership’s profile - let’s call that the primary email-address of the membership.

    • Within your membership details, you may have specified another email address (the Secondary eMail) that is used to receive a copy of ALL communication that are being sent to the primary email.
      note: It is ONLY working as a communications-copy email address and CANNOT be used to login to your membership account.

    • How do I then sign up myself and another member of my membership (a spouse, a child) to an EJCA event?

    This can vary by event, but in general the process is as follows:

    1. Log in to with your membership account email (the primary email)

    2. Fill out the requested information, which varies per event. If required, we will usually provide a field in the registration form that asks for the specific name and/or contact details of the attendee - this may be yourself/the main contact of the membership account, but in case of family or couple memberships may also be the name & details of a spouse or a child.
      For example here we may also ask for an alternative email-address to communicate directly with the attendee.

    3. Conclude the registration process

    4. Repeat from Step 1, for any additional attendee.

    -Important to note is that you will always start with the primary email to log in. You will not use (e.g.) your spouse’s email address at that step, as explained above. You will have the chance to provide (e.g.) your spouse’s email address as detail on the attendee.

    -An example for this are sign-ups for the AGM, where we explicitly request that each individual attending member is registering, but the same also holds true for e.g. language lessons, where more than one participant per member family may need to register in this way.

  • 13 Oct 2021 7:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A: Occasionally you may want to be able to show you are currently an EJCA member - e.g. if your club leader is obliged to confirm this as part of club requirements. 

    There are two easy ways to achieve this, by presenting your current membership card:

    a) On this website, login and review your profile. You will find a membership card right in the details, and download the image or download and print the pdf: 

    b) Use the "Wild Apricot for Members app" (see FAQ ). Log in with your credentials. Tap the "My Card" button to show your current membership card full screen.

  • 28 Dec 2020 4:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As long as you have a user that is associated with an email we have on file for that account, it is easy to reset your password, all by yourself:

    Please follow the intructions on this help page: How To Reset a Password

  • 17 Oct 2020 2:14 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Our new "website" is more than that - it is an entire integrated information, membership and event management system, and so we encourage you to explore the various features + any that we will be adding over time.
    With a fresh design and user experience, as of 2020, you can 

    • maintain your personal information (Name, Address, email, family members,...) -> in the "My profile" section
    • sign up for - or renew - and pay your membership online
    • register (and pay) for events online
    • sign in for events using the registration information you will have received in your email
    • Download the newest plus all historic moshi-moshi newsletters
    • use most of these features also from a mobile app 

    and you will receive automated reminders that inform you about upcoming events and the status of your membership. You will also have available up-to-date information on our programmes and clubs.   

    Please do not hesitate to let us know what information or features you find useful, or what's missing!

    You can help EJCA by making as much use of the self-service features as you are comfortable with, which reduces 'paperwork' and manual administrative processes.


    If you are curious how everything fits together, please check out this new-member help page from our service provider:

  • 10 Oct 2020 10:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Yes, our system provider (Wild Apricot) offers app for both Android and iPhone that allow you to use your membership logon data (email / password) and will give you access to your profile/payment/invoice information as well as letting you register and sign-in for events.
    Try it out, if you like!

    Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play

  • 17 Sep 2020 5:10 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Credit Card, Cash, Cheque all are accepted payment methods:

    Our website uses AffiniPay as an integrated payment service provider, as you will see when you are completing your renewal or event registration. 

    In case you prefer to pay by cash or cheque, you would select the "invoice me"-option at checkout/registration/renewal and you will then have to make arrangements to make the payment "offline", e.g. at the event, in person or by mail.

    Note: this is also the reason why you will see a small icon labelled "offline"

        at checkout.

    In any case, EJCA can always process your membership or event registration without having to go though the processes on our new website, but we encourage you you to pay "online" where possible!

  • 12 Jul 2020 7:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    There are many ways to get engaged at EJCA - please see the many opportunities and more details at: Volunteer Opportunity 

  • 12 Jul 2020 7:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    With the new online membership management system, renewing your membership has never been easier. Just follow these simple steps:

    1. Follow the link in your renewal reminder email (usually e-mailed in early December) 
      directly from the website at any time, logon to your personal profile page, "My Profile"

      if you need to change your membership level (e.g. from Single (under 70 years) to Senior Single - free ) at this point, please refer to the section "Important" further down! 

    2. Review your personal information and contact details:
      - if new mandatory information is requested, please add it
      - if you have other information you want to update, please do so
      - is the secondary email (that cannot be used to log on to the system but will receive all copy of the communication to the primary email) still valid? 

      then, on the membership details, spot the renew button
    3. click renew to ... 
    4. follow the payment instructions
    5. Done


    If you want to change your membership level (e.g. from Single (under 70 years) to Senior Single - free ) as part of the renewal process,
    please proceed as follows:
    1.) Log on to the website and head to "My profile" 
    2.) identify the "change" link, and click it

    3.) choose the new membership level
    4.) review and update your personal information as needed or requested
    5.) Confirm and proceed to the payments page
    6.) follow the payments instructions
    7.) Done

    In case of any questions, please reach out to and/or

  • 12 Jul 2020 7:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You need to be an EJCA member before/when joining a club. Please reach out to the designated contact of the club (see under "Clubs" on this website).

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