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MATSU NO KAI – EJCA 55+ Club    

松の会 55才以上シニアクラブ

The club welcomes any EJCA member who is age 55 and over. It is an opportunity to socialize, and to meet and make new friends. A transportation system is in place for those needing a ride.

In 1977, the club began as an informal group of seniors who met to socialize and take trips together. Meetings became formalized in 1997 and evolved into a membership of nearly fifty people who meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month to discuss club matters, enjoy an optional bento lunch, listen to speakers on various topics such as staying healthy, exercise, host various EJCA groups and Japanese exchange students for lunch and conversation, and enjoy other games and activities. Monthly outings based on the interests of members have included bowling, visiting a hydroponic greenhouse, a winery, a gourmet mushroom farm, the Global News station, the races, the Devonian Gardens and various museums and sites in and around the city. Members can also participate in activities to support the homeless. Meetings and outings always give us a chance to laugh together and enjoy each other's company.

Interview with Alan Davis: link


Alan Davis


Phone: [tbd/please use the email]




名前:Alan Davis



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