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Explore Japan 2023

Video of Explore Japan 2023

The program provides students studying the Japanese language in Alberta high schools the opportunity to interactively explore Japanese culture. Through a wide variety of activities facilitated by Japanese community members, the program enhances the understanding of Japanese culture by Alberta youth and promotes friendship and interest between Japan and Canada.

The event directly supports the learning required by the Alberta Education Japanese language curriculum and, therefore, is an invaluable experience for the students enrolled Japanese language programs taught in Alberta High schools.

Topic 1

Tea Ceremony

In a room with tearoom settings, students will learn about a tea ceremony by demonstrations and explanations. Then, students in pair will serve Japanese sweets and tea to partners practicing Japanese manners.

Topic 2


After introducing professional calligraphies displayed on the wall, the presenters explain calligraphy and tools. Students practice a few kanji and own name using samples.

Topic 3


In this session, students will learn a brief history of Kimono and modern Kimono culture.  Couple of demonstrations of how to wear Kimono (Yukata/casual summer Kimono) with models will follow. 

After the demonstrations, students will try on a Yukata with the help from an instructor and an assistant.  If time allows, students will enjoy some Japanese trivial quizzes and unique Japanese information.

Topic 4

Karate workshop

An instructor guides students into the "Karate world" including demonstration of key techniques, discussion of the Japanese way of behavior, i.e. politeness, concentration, and respect, and leads students to enjoy Karate trials.

Topic 5

Taiko workshop

Presenters explain about Taiko and its history, then, demonstrate Taiko music using key techniques.
All students will have a turn for drumming a Taiko.

Topic 6

Exchange Experiences

Presenters who have experienced exchange programs in Japan will talk about their life in Japan: school life, host families, travels and culture experiences.

Date & Time

Thursday, October 26, 2023  9:40 am - 2:15 pm


IISLE  (Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education)      

13750, Woodcroft Ave., Edmonton, Alberta




Explore Japan 2023 Steering Committee

Consulate General of Japan in Calgary

Edmonton Japanese Community Association

Alberta Education

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