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International EJCA Spring Haiku Contest 2024
2024年度エドモントン日本文化協会 春の俳句大会

We are grateful and overwhelmed by the great response from all our poets out there in the world!

At the time of closing the submission period on June 22th 23:59:59 pm MT, we had received ~340 poems by 198 Haiku poets (= you!) from 37 countries!

Please be patient while our juror is assessing the reponses. Watch this space and the upcoming next moshi-moshi newsletters for results and updates.

We will be in touch with participants via email!  

looking for our 2023 Contest & winners?

-> follow this link

2024 "EJCA Haiku Anthology"
While we are waiting for the result of the judging process, why don't you take a look at the (much requested) anthology of 2024 submissions? (listing all the participants that had agreed to be 'published').
Note that the pdf file is large (>140 MB).
use this link to open/download the pdf file


sakura gave me silence  

the flowers of the soul open

and the sky is bright

さくらは 沈黙を与えた
そうして 空は明るかった

Mykyta Ryzhykh (Canada),
winner “Best overall - English language Haiku” category
in our 2023 contest!

With Springtime finally upon us and the cherry and plum trees blossoming again, following the great successes of the 2022 and 2023 editions of this contest, EJCA once again calles upon your hidden poetic talents and invites you to get creative and craft and submit a Haiku, suitably themed to celebrate the season.

Prizes (and bragging rights when you are named among the best) are providing an additional incentive (should you need that extra bit of a 'nudge' to grab your pen).

We are looking forward for many of you to join and re-join the fun this year!  

Kids: We would love to see submissions from aspiring young poets!

News, winners and a selection of poems will be announced on this page and in moshi moshi and/or our social media channels. 





How to participate?

  • Before or on the 22nd of June 2024, 23:59 MDT, you are being asked to submit your Haiku using this Google form (link)(この俳句応募フォームのリンクを使って2024年6月22日23時59分(MDT)までにご投句ください。)
  • Our jury will be reviewing the submissions by end of June/early July(審査は6月末か7月の始めに行われます。)

Rules / 応募要領

  • Everyone is invited (whether EJCA member or not) to participate

  • You can submit up to two unpublished Haiku that you have authored.
  • To be considered for prizes, your poem should follow the spirit of good Haiku form - see below, section "What is a Haiku?"
  • Make sure to give your Haiku a Spring theme by including a Spring seasonal word of your choice.

  • Our jury will evaluate all submissions to determine winners in the various categories

Jury: Shajin Watanabe

Shajin Watanabe sensei:

Watanabe sensei is a protege to Kusatao Nakamura and was awarded the Saitama Literature Award. After his retirement from teaching Japanese literature (kokugo) at Urawa Akenohoshi Girls' Senior High School, he taught haiku poetry at Saitama Police Academy for a number of years. Currently, he is the chair of Haiku Society, "Sumeraki, " while teaching haiku at numerous workshops.

-参加資格 -EJCA会員である必要はなく、どなたでも応募できます。



兼題 -ご自分で選んだ春の季語



俳句部門(日本語部門)優秀賞賞金30ドル 準優秀賞 賞金20ドル

三行詩部門(英語部門)優秀賞賞金30ドル 準優秀賞 賞金20ドル



こちらのフォームを使って、登録と俳句の提出をお願い致します。またご質問等ございましたら、 までご連絡ください。






Award Winners per Category

Here are the 2024 prize categories.
The current year’s jury is once again a published haiku poet, Shajin Watanabe.
We greatly appreciate his work.

Best overall - Japanese language Haiku
Prize: 30$

Second best overall - Japanese language Haiku
Prize: 20$

Best Overall - English language Haiku
Prize: 30$

Second best overall - English language Haiku
Prize: 20$

Brightest Young Poet (16 years of age and under)
Prize: 30$

Among all participants from EJCA (current EJCA membership), we will also randomly select one winner to receive a Haiku-poetic card game:  

Deliberations by the jury, and presentation of the award winning poems:

(will be added after the event has closed and winners have been announced)

What is a Haiku?

From wikipedia:

Haiku (俳句) is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan. Traditional Japanese haiku consist of three phrases that contain a kireji, or "cutting word", 17 on (phonetic units similar to syllables) in a 5, 7, 5 pattern, and a kigo, or seasonal reference. Similar poems that do not adhere to these rules are generally classified as senryū.

Haiku originated as an opening part of a larger Japanese poem called renga. These haiku written as an opening stanza were known as hokku and over time writers began to write them as stand-alone poems. Haiku was given its current name by the Japanese writer Masaoka Shiki at the end of the 19th century.

What you should keep in mind:

For haiku inspiration, look closely at everything around you in nature, at home, at school, and at work. Write your draft of a haiku, letting yourself be free and creative. Then ask the following questions about your haiku to help you improve them.

  1. How long is your haiku? It’s usually good to write in three lines of about 10 to 17 syllables. In Japanese, you will want to stay with 5-7-5 sounds ('mora'). In English, haiku don’t have to be in the pattern of 5-7-5 syllables.
    See this link if you want to know more.

    The following questions are much more important to observe:
  2. Does your haiku name or suggest one of the seasons—spring, summer, fall, or winter? In Japanese, a kigo or “season word” tells readers when the poem happens, such as saying “tulips” for spring or “snow” for winter. This is one of the most important things to do in haiku.
    For our contest this year, you want to give it a Spring theme!

What you should keep in mind (continued):

  1. Does your poem make a “leap,” by having two parts? In Japanese, a kireji or “cutting word” usually cuts the poem into two parts (never three). It’s not just having two parts that matters, though. Rather, it’s the implication in the relationship of the two parts that matters. Giving your poem two often fragmentary parts is also one of the most important goals in haiku.
  2. Is your haiku about common, everyday events in nature or human life? To help you do this, describe what you experience through your five senses.
  3. Does your poem give readers a feeling? It can do this by presenting what caused your feeling rather than the feeling itself. So others can feel what you felt, don’t explain or judge what you describe.
  4. Is your poem in the present tense? To make your haiku feel like it’s happening right now, use the present tense.
  5. Did you write from your own personal experience? When you write other kinds of poetry, you can make things up, but try not to do that with haiku. Memories are okay, though.
  6. How did you capitalize or punctuate your poem? Haiku are usually not sentences (they’re usually fragments), so they don’t need to start with a capital, or end with a period.
  7. Does your haiku avoid a title and rhyme? Haiku are not like other poems, which may have these features. Haiku don’t have titles and rarely rhyme.

(adapted from Michael Dylan Welch's excellent blog:

Another source worth reading, with some more historical and stylistic information is  HAIKU: A WHOLE LOT MORE THAN 5-7-5 


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