Premiere show: Saturday, December 4, 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm (you can add this schedule in your calendar by clicking the "Add to my calendar" at the upper right corner of this page)
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, EJCA cannot have a Christmas Party and a New year’s Party during the coming holiday seasons in 2021–2022. Instead, EJCA is planning a few online holiday season activities. The first one is a concert of Japanese songs.
EJCA member, Ryu Yokoo, professional guitarist, will perform traditional Japanese songs for the members.
Please join the concert. No reservation is required for joining the Youtube Premiere show, just link to the site on the day/time and enjoy.
Online日本の歌 ギターと歌のコンサート
初演: 2021年12月4日(土) 7時 - 7時30分 (ページ右上のAdd to my calendarからご自分のSchedeleにこの日時を予約できます)
予約の必要はありません。決まった日時にLinkに入って、Youtubの“Premiere” ショーを楽しんでいただきます。
Edmonton Japanese Community Association 6750 88 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5H6
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