Sold out - the event was closed at 6:00 pm on February 8.
The last EJCA event held before all other events were cancelled due to COVID-19 was Hina Matsuri Festival on March 7, 2020. It has already been two years! Although it may not be like the Hina Matsuri Festival from two years ago, EJCA is making Japanese pastries for members.
How to purchase? This is very easily done in two steps:
You can order 1 pack or 2 packs. Each pack includes 2 each of Daifuku, Sakura mochi and Taiyaki.
The cost for 1 pack is $10.00, for 2 packs $20.00.
If you cannot register online through the website, please email including your full name, email address, selection of 1 or 2 packs of pastries and a pick up date. Please pay by a cheque (payable to the EJCA) or cash when you pick up Mochi at the centre.
1パック(10ドル) 又は2パック(20ドル) のご注文ができます。1パックに大福、桜餅、たい焼きが2個ずつ、計6個入っています。
Websiteから注文できない方は へメールで次の事項をお知らせください。姓名(英語)、メールアドレス、1パックか2パック、受取日。お払いは小切手(Payable to EJCA)又は現金で受取日にお願します。メールは日本語で結構です。
Edmonton Japanese Community Association 6750 88 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5H6
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