The Consul General of Japan in Calgary is inviting EJCA members to meet with Consul General Uchida. He came to Calgary about one year ago.
He would like to have an opportunity to meet with as many EJCA members as possible. So, EJCA is arranging a meeting while limiting the number due to Covid. Please register if you would like to join the meeting.
Date/time: Monday, April 25, 2:30 - 4:00 pm (Please make your time a little flexible since the arrival time of Consul General Uchida may not be exact.)
Location: EJCA Centre
Note: You need two vaccinations completed (please check a box in a registration process) and a mask at the centre.
Thank you,
Paul Fujishige, President
日時: 4月25日(月) 2時30分ー4時 (会館への到着時間が多少ずれるかもしれませんので、時間に余裕をもってご参加ください)
場所: EJCA 会館
お願い: 2回の予防接種がおすみになっていることが必要です(登録時にチェックして下さい)。会館ではマスクの使用をお願いいたします。
会長 ポール・フジシゲ
Edmonton Japanese Community Association 6750 88 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5H6
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