Japanese Canadian History in Alberta, Pre-War to Present

Date/Time: Saturday, March 25, 2023, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Online presentation: Carley Okamura, EJCA member
Registration deadline: Thursday, March 23, 2023.
Link to the session will be emailed to the registrants on March 23.
The Japanese Canadian settlement across Canada in the early 20th century has a unique and dynamic history. In Alberta, our chapter of this story is not well known, but still has an impact on people and communities today. Carley Okamura is a mixed-race Japanese Canadian yonsei, who was born and raised in Edmonton. She began Japanese Drumming as a teenager which brought her to the Edmonton Japanese Community Association, of which she is still a member, and co-chairs their CARE committee (Committee Advocating for Racial Equality).
Carley presented this session at the Edmonton & District History Society on February 28, 2023. This time, she will present this to EJCA members/friends and also to the Edmonton & District History Society members online. Please join the event with your family and friends.
Edmonton Japanese Community Association
20世紀初期からカナダに移住してきた日系カナダ人はユニークでダイナミックな歴史を持っています。この人々のアルバータ州での歴史はあまり知られていませんが、今日でも人々やコミュニティに影響を及ぼしています。カーリー・オカムラは、エドモントンで生まれ育った日系カナダ人の混血四世です。10代で始めた和太鼓がきっかけでエドモントン日本文化協会に入会し、現在も会員としてCARE委員会(Committee Advocating for Racial Equality)の共同委員長を務めています。
日時: 2023年3月25日(土)、午後7時ー8時30分
On-line へのリンクは3月23日にメールでお知らせいたします。