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Q: *UPDATED* I would like to pay online but don't have or don't want a PayPal account. Do I really need this to proceed with my payment?

16 May 2024 11:12 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

NOTE: as of May 16th, 2024, we are no longer using PayPal as our Payment Processor for this website/system; so you can ignore the below.
Please simply use a valid credit/debit card for your checkout/payment process, which now is not handled through PayPal (but in a more integrated and cost effective way for EJCA). 

Our website does indeed depend on PayPal as our payments provider.
But you do not need to use nor create a PayPal account to pay for your event registration/membership/donation/shopping.

Indeed, you can easily pay by just providing your credit card or Visa debit card details without having (or signing up for) a PayPal account.

Here is an example how this process works end-to-end, illustrating the choices you will have:

  1. Situation: You have just hit the "Pay Online" button and get ready to pay for some service:
  2. This will lead you to a PayPal screen (remember: PayPal is our safe online payments provider) which should look similar to this:

  3. If you do not have / nor want a PayPal account, you will ignore the login section (marked below as option (1), i.e. the section before the "or")
    and instead
    go for option 2 - "Pay with a credit or Visa debit card"
  4. This will get to to a page where you just input the data necessary to process your one time payment:
  5. Enter your data and card information and where being asked if you want to "create a PayPal account?",
    just say "No, thanks":

    In newer versions of the PayPal checkout this may instead be achieved by toggling the "save info" option to 'grey' and continue as guest.

  6. This allows you to complete the payment process
  7. As a result you will see a "payment successful" confirmation on screen, get a Payment receipt from EJCA, and should see the equivalent payment item on your regular credit/debit card statement

To summarize: PayPal is our payments processor and provides the means for safe transmission of your payment details for us, but in this way you will just use your card detail for a one time payment without signing up for a PayPal account.


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