Our new "website" is more than that - it is an entire integrated information, membership and event management system, and so we encourage you to explore the various features + any that we will be adding over time.
With a fresh design and user experience, as of 2020, you can
- maintain your personal information (Name, Address, email, family members,...) -> in the "My profile" section
- sign up for - or renew - and pay your membership online
- register (and pay) for events online
- sign in for events using the registration information you will have received in your email
- Download the newest plus all historic moshi-moshi newsletters
- use most of these features also from a mobile app
and you will receive automated reminders that inform you about upcoming events and the status of your membership. You will also have available up-to-date information on our programmes and clubs.
Please do not hesitate to let us know what information or features you find useful, or what's missing!
You can help EJCA by making as much use of the self-service features as you are comfortable with, which reduces 'paperwork' and manual administrative processes.
If you are curious how everything fits together, please check out this new-member help page from our service provider: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/119-new-member-guide