Shōgi club is an EJCA club started in 2022. We focus on learning and playing Shōgi, but are open to explore other Japanese board games as well. We seek to meet in person at least once per month in the EJCA Centre, but depending on schedules, we will also meet online or host online tournaments on For the schedule of next meetings and events, please see the calendar below. Everyone is welcome to join one of our online sessions for free. Please contact us if you would like to join and have any questions. What is Shōgi?
What else do you need to know?
NEW to Shōgi?: You may find our flyer, the beginners presentation or Shogi etiquette primer helpful. Don't be afraid of the Kanji symbols on the pieces - you will learn to recognize them in a short amount of time and we also use piece sets that carry easy to read arrows/symbols that help you play right away on day 1!
| Listen to a brief history of Shogi: