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Help EJCA make 1,000 origami cranes for patients

17 Feb 2021 9:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Hi EJCA members and friends, 日本語は後半にあります。

EJCA received a request from the Volunteer Coordinator at the Misericordia Hospital. “We have a project to make over 1,000 Origami Cranes for the long-term patients at the Hospital. Would you please work with us to make one “1,000 Cranes Wreath” and Easter cards with cranes for long-term patients?”

Because of the COVID-19 situation, these long-term patients have been isolated and very lonely with no one visiting them. Volunteers wanted to do something to cheer them up at Easter time.

There is a true story of Sadako, a girl in Japan, who kept making origami cranes while she was fighting leukemia that was the after effect of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. Since then, origami cranes have been symbols of Peace, Hope, Love, and Healing.

The EJCA board approved the donation of as many origami cranes as possible… maybe 1,000! EJCA will provide you with origami paper. But we have to hurry; we have a very tight timeline!

Let’s make origami cranes and send our Easter message to these patients.

Everyone is welcome to join this wonderful opportunity: If you do not know how to make origami cranes, this will be a perfect opportunity to learn; it is easy!

Please email ( as soon as possible if you can help. EJCA will post-mail you origami paper right away if you need any. If you have some of your own that you would like to donate, that is even better.

Please let us know:

  1. Your full name
  2. Your email address
  3. How many cranes you can make (20, 50, 100, 200, other?)
  4. If you require origami paper, please send your mailing address so that EJCA can post-mail origami paper to you.


  1. Use standard origami paper of 15cm x 15cm, colour or with design.
  2. PDF instructions or YouTube video. There are number of other instructions available.
  3. When made, please do not open them at the end. Keep them flat for safe shipping.
  4. Bundle each ten cranes with elastic bands. Put them in an envelope or such. Put your name, email address and the number of cranes on the outside of the envelope.
  5. By March 10, drop the envelope/box in the mailbox at the centre. An envelope/box should be smaller than 30 cm x 35 cm x 10 cm to fit into the mail slot.

Please invite your family members and friends to join you!

Any questions?

Deliver your cranes flat

【Peace, Love, Hope and Healingの思いを込めて、一緒に折鶴を作ってくださる方大募集】

先週の大寒波の中、1通のメールがEJCAに届きました。The Misericordia Community Hospital のボランティアコーディネーターの方からでした。



それは広島で被爆した佐々木禎子(さだこ)さんのお話しです。禎子さんは亡くなるまで薬の包み紙で折り鶴を作って、Peace, Love, Hope and Healingの気持ちを発信し続けました。

今年のEaster には「カードと一緒に折り鶴をプレゼントしよう!千羽鶴も作ろう!」


みんなで折り鶴を作ることで、Peace, Love, HOPE and Healingを長期療養者さんへお届けしませんか?




作っていただける方は、時間が余りありませんので次の事項を記入して、このメールを至急返信してください。( 折り紙をお持ちでない会員のみなさんへはお返事をいただき次第、折り紙を郵送致します。

1. お名前 (ローマ字):

2. メールアドレス:

3. 何羽作っていただけますか? 

( )20羽、( )50羽、( )100羽、( )200羽、( )その他__羽

4. 折り紙をお持ちですか?

(  )はい、持っています。

(  )持っていないので至急お送りください。

ご住所: ______________



1. 折り紙の紙は標準サイズ 15㎝x 15㎝。単色でも、模様つきでもOKです。

2. 折り方の手順  (クリックしてください)


3. 折れたら、開かないで運搬中につぶれないようにこの形で重ねてください。

4. 10羽ずつ輪ゴムなどでまとめて、袋、封筒などに入れていただきます。

5. 3月10日までに、EJCA会館のメールボックスに入れてください。袋の表に、お名前とメールアドレス、何羽入っているかを明記してください。メールボックスの口には30 cm x 35 cm x 10㎝の物が入ります。




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