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End Period Poverty 無くそう、生理の貧困

Girls’ Day Period Product Collection DriveMarch 1–31, 2025

Celebrate Japan’s tradition by addressing period poverty!

Once again, we celebrate Japan’s Girls’ Day by running a period product collection drive. Please support the drive by dropping off menstrual products at locations listed below or donate cash by filling out the form at the bottom (tax receipts will be issued by the organization you choose - Edmonton's foodbank or Boyle Street Community Services). 

There are two points that we address in the End Period Poverty Campaign.

1.      To assist ensuring access to period products for all women in Edmonton

In Canada, one quarter of women with periods are struggling to purchase period products (per United Way’s website). The situation is the same in Edmonton. Every year, we check with Edmonton’s Foodbank and Boyle Street Community Services (where we donate period products) whether period products are their high priority. The answer is always “Yes.” The needs for period products are large and consistent.

In addition to the visible homelessness crisis in the city, the recent inflation is forcing many women, especially mothers, to choose between foods and their hygienic health.

2.      To help reduce stigma around periods

Talking about periods while participating in the End Period Poverty Campaign helps reduce stigma around periods, such as periods are dirty, shameful topics that should not be discussed openly. While we were sorting out donated period products last year, we (participated volunteers) discussed a lot about periods and period products and learned a lot about them from each other. Period poverty is not only about limited access to material products, but also about limited access to information because stigma prevents us from exchanging information. For this year’s Girls’ Day, Let’s talk about periods!

Support by donating menstrual products

Drop off menstrual products at the EJCA Centre or participating business locations near you.

We accept the donation of unopened packages of pads, tampons, sanitation wipes, and pantyliners.

Drop-off locations

Look for a colorful box with the campaign poster. Products only. Please do not drop off cash.

South Side

Clear Dental  (103-4222 Gateway Blvd NW)

Tida Hair Salon (#17B, 9261 34 Ave NW)

Mama Ramen (Bountiful market, Booth 10B, 3696 – 97 Street NW, 10 am – 4 pm Fridays only)

Chartwell Wescott Retirement Residence (3841 Allan Drive SW)

Whyte Avenue

Pablo Bakery  (10163 81 Ave NW)


Naked Cyber Café (10303 108 St NW)

CIVIDA Housing (10232-112 Street : Press the buzzer and give donations to staff)

East Central

Great Hair Day (7221 101 Ave NW)


Red Leaf Wellness  (12820 107 Ave NW)

All donations will go to Edmonton's Food Bank and Boyle Street Community Services, who will then distribute to those in our city who are in need.

Thank you very much for your support!



今年も、日本のひな祭りを生理用品コレクションドライブで祝います。皆様のご支援をよろしくお願い致します。下記にある寄付箱の設置場所に生理用品をご寄付下さい。また、一番下のフォームから現金でのご寄付も受け付けております (Edmonton's FoodbankかBoyle Street Community Services のどちらかご自分で選んだ団体より税金申告用の領収書が発行されます。)


1 エドモントンの全ての女性が生理用品を確実に入手できるようになる助けをする

カナダでは、生理のある女性の四分の一が生理用品を購入するのに苦労しています(参照:United Wayのウェブサイト)。この状況はエドモントンでも同じです。毎年、EJCAでは生理用品が(寄付が必要な)優先度の高い品物であるかをEdmonton’s FoodbankとBoyle Street Community Services (キャンペーンの寄付先)に確認するのですが、答えはいつもイエスです。生理用品のニーズは一貫して大きなままです。明らかな市内のホームレスの危機的状況に加え、最近のインフレが多くの女性、特に母親たちに食物をとるか、自分の衛生管理をとるかの選択を迫っています。

2 生理に関する偏見や誤った認識を減らす助けをする




受け付けている生理用品(未開封パッケージのみ)生理用ナプキン、タンポン、デリケートゾーン用ウェットティッシュ(英語の一般的名称:Feminine Wipe)、パンティライナ



South Side

Clear Dental  (103-4222 Gateway Blvd NW)

Tida Hair Salon (#17B, 9261 34 Ave NW)

Mama Ramen (Bountiful market, Booth 10B, 3696 – 97 Street NW, 10 am – 4 pm Fridays only)

Chartwell Wescott Retirement Residence (3841 Allan Drive SW)

Whyte Avenue

Pablo Bakery  (10163 81 Ave NW)


Naked Cyber Café (10303 108 St NW)

CIVIDA Housing (10232-112 Street : Press the buzzer and give donations to staff)

East Central

Great Hair Day (7221 101 Ave NW)


Red Leaf Wellness  (12820 107 Ave NW)

ご寄付いただいた全ての生理用品と寄付金は、EJCA がEdmonton Foodbank とBoyle Street Community Servicesに寄付し、この2団体から市内の生理用品が必要な方々に配布されます。

Support by donating cash 現金寄付による支援

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*Address 1
Address 2
*Postal Code
*Amount ($CAD)
Please choose a one-time amount. Every contribution counts, however small.
*Donation Recipient
Please choose to which organization we shall forward your donation. They will make sure it gets distributed to those in our city who are in need. You will receive a tax receipt from that respective organization. Thank you!
*EJCA is permitted to publish my name
When EJCA reports about the event, are you ok to see your name published in connection with the donation?
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